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SIPForge Features

  • acl.png
    Access Control List (ACL)

    Controls allow you to block or allow calls based on one or multiple conditions.

    Controls allow you to block or allow calls based upon one or multiple of the following conditions:

    • The following headers: To, From, PAI/RPID
    • Geographic filters: Country, Province, Market
    • LRN and LATA
    • SDP IP
    • User Agents
    • To/From field length
    • Alphanumeric filtering of ANI/DNIS/CID
  • analytics.png

    In-depth analytics of call data.

    Create custom real-time updating reports based on any field available within the CDR. Mine your data for trends based on time-of-day, current events, geographic filters, media attributes, etc.

  • business_continuity.png
    Business Continuity

    Daily backups of all configurations and Call Detail Records (CDRs). The offsite backup process replicates the data in multiple locations.

    Daily backups of all configurations and Call Detail Records (CDRs). The offsite backup process replicates the data in multiple locations.

  • call_filtering-1680732202505.png
    Call Filtering

    Block inbound/outbound calls based on multiple conditions.

    Block inbound/outbound calls based upon:

    • Call identifiers: ANI/DNIS/CID
    • Geographic identifiers: Country/Province/Market/LATA/OCN
    • Registered Sip Endpoint
    • IP address
    • User Agent
  • cost_tracking.jpg
    Cost Tracking

    Track and manage how much you are spending with your provider.

    Track and manage how much you are spending with your provider.

      • Manual Rate creation or easily load your providers rates with the RateImport tool.
      • Cost/Minutes/Call counts are displayed on the real time dashboard as well as with the reporting tools.
      • Receive provider balance notifications on a preconfigured trigger. Triggers include:
        • Call count
        • Minutes used
        • Period based. Notification can be sent every 5 minutes to as long as once a month.
  • dialer_tracking.png
    Dialer Traffic Classification and Notification

    Classification for various call metrics. Choose to notify the Customer and NOC or block traffic if a dialer is detected.

    Classification for various call metrics. Choose to notify the Customer and NOC or block traffic if a dialer is detected.

  • cportal.jpg
    Easy to Use Customer Portal

    Self-service customer portal

    A self-service customer portal that allows:

    • Download/View CDRs
    • Download/View Invoices
    • Pay invoice via payment processor.
    • Open trouble tickets
    • Order DIDs/TFNs
    • Add SIP endpoints
    • Manage DID/TFN routing
  • fas.png
    False Answer Supervision (FAS)

    FAS detection and blocking

    Identify and block dead-air FAS

    *coming soon

    Fake VM FAS detection.

  • cps_cc.png
    Fine-Gained CPS and Call Limit Control

    Global Calls per Second (CPS), Port utilization limiting, and other options.

    Global Calls per Second (CPS) and Port utilization limiting as well based on the following:

    • Customers
    • Customer Trunks
    • Route
    • Providers
    • Provider Trunks
    • ANI / DNIS / LRN
    • Geographically: Country, Province, Market, LATA
  • fraud_control.jpg
    Fraud Call Control

    Fraudulent calling detection is based on multiple criteria.

    Fraudulent calling detection based on:

    • Real time evaluation of call patterns.
    • Able to send notification alerts if patterns change by a preconfigured alerting condition.
    • Automatic service suspension for non-payers
    • Configurable spending limits for each customer
    • Option to freeze prepaid balances
    • Geographical analysis of customer calling habits
  • lrn.png

    LRN (Local Routing Number) access is provided free of charge.

    To ensure the most accurate results, the LRN dataset is updated daily.

  • media.png
    Media Manipulation

    Proxy media, transcode between codecs, 180.183 translation, block/allow dtmf on a customer/provider/rate basis.

    Codec Filtering

      • Allow all received codecs or only allow those you specify

    RTP Transcoding

      • Transcode calls to save bandwidth or to help customers deal with lossy uplinks

    180/183 translation

      • Translate session-progress

    Re-packetization of RTP.

      • Reduce jitter on multi-hop calls by re-packetising the media stream
    • Full Support of g711, g729, gsm, speex, ilbc and other codecs
  • routing.png
    Multi Dimensional Routing

    Positional based prefix routing

    Positional based prefix routing wherein each position (0 – 99) a routing decision based upon one or more of the following strategies is made:

    • Static routing. Possible conditions would be To field matching, Geographic, and prefix
    • Round Robin Routing
    • QoS Routing (ASR and ACD)
    • Least Cost Routing (LCR)
    • Percentage Routing
  • profit_tracking.png
    Profit Tracking

    Feature to help track and maximize your profitability.


  • alerting.png
    Programmable Alerting

    Avoid costly provider penalties with the included alerting capability.

    Avoid costly provider penalties with the included alerting capability. Alerts can be configured to send on:

    • SD%(Short Duration Percentage) increasing/falling below a set range
    • ASR(Answer Seizure Ratio) increasing/falling below a set range
    • ACD(Average Call Duration) increasing/falling below a set range
    • NER(Network Effectiveness Ratio) increasing/falling below a set range
    • Connected call count increasing/falling below a set range
    • CPS(Calls Per Second) increasing/falling below a set range
  • dashboard.png
    Real Time Dashboards & Graphical Timeline Data

    A real-time visual data representation allows the user to make more accurate traffic routing decisions.

    A real-time visual data representation allows the user to make more accurate traffic routing decisions.

  • service_monitoring.png
    Service Monitoring

    Monitor and send alerts when a customer or provider trunk is detected as unavailable.

    Monitor and send alerts when a customer or provider trunk is detected as unavailable.

  • sip_capture.png
    SIP Capture and Retrieval

    Signaling of every call is captured and stored. The information can be easily retrieved through a CDR search and call ladder displayed with packet details.

    Signaling of every call is captured and stored. The information can be easily retrieved through a CDR search and call ladder displayed with packet details.

  • sip2.png
    SIP Header Manipulation

    Alter existing SIP headers as well as introduce new ones.

    • Pass or block RPID, PAI, PCI, X-Header based upon multiple cascading conditions.
    • Add custom headers as well as replace PAI, RPID values.
  • casusecode_mapping.png
    SIP Cause Code Mapping

    It allows remapping Cause Codes per Provider, Provider Trunk, Customer, Customer Trunk basis.

    It allows remapping Cause Codes on a per Provider, Provider Trunk, Customer, Customer Trunk basis.

  • topo_hiding.png
    Topology Hiding

    Full topology hiding, ensuring the privacy of your network’s customers and vendors.

    Full topology hiding, ensuring the privacy of your network’s customers and vendors.

  • call_recording.png
    Call Recording

    Multi-channel call recording. Each device is its own fully encrypted channel with speech-to-text capabilities.

    The recordings are initiated from a filter. Filtering on:

    • Call identifiers: ANI/DNIS/CID
    • Geographic identifiers: Country/Province/Market/LATA/OCN
    • Registered Sip Endpoint
    • IP address
    • User Agent